国外电子信息精品著作:高频CMOS模拟集成电路基础 电子书下载 PDF下载

  《高频CMOS模拟集成电路基础(影印版)》适合电子信息专业的高年级本科生及研究生作为RFCMOS电路设计相关课程的教材使用,也适合模拟电路及射频电路工程师作为参考使用。 ·查看全部>>
1 Components of analog CMOS ICs
1.1 MOS transistors
1.1.1 Current-voltage relations of MOS transistors The basic current-voltage relations without velocity saturation Current-voltage relations under velocity saturation The sub-threshold regime
1.1.2 Determination of model parameters and related secondary effects Mobility Gate capacitance Threshold voltage Channel length modulation factor Gate length (L) and gate width (W)
1.1.3 Parasitics of MOS transistors Parasitic capacitances The high-frequency figure of merit The parasitic resistances
1.2 Passive on-chip components
1.2.1 On-chip resistors
1.2.2 On-chip capacitors Passive on-chip capacitors Varactors
1.2.3 On-chip inductors

2 Basic MOS amplifiers: DC and low-frequency behavior
2.1 Common source (grounded source) amplifier
2.1.1 Biasing
2.1.2 The small-signal equivalent circuit
2.2 Active transistor loaded MOS amplifier(CMOS inverter as analog amplifier)
2.3 Common-gate (grounded-gate) amplifier
2.4 Common-drain amplifier (source follower)
2.5 The long tailed pair
2.5.1 The large signal behavior of the long tailed pair
2.5.2 Common-mode feedback

3 High-frequency behavior of basic amplifiers
3.1 High-frequency behavior of a common-source amplifier
3.1.1 The R-C load case
3.2 The source follower amplifier at radio frequencies
3.3 The common-gate amplifier at high frequencies
3.4 The cascode amplifier
3.5 The CMOS inverter as a transimpedance amplifier
3.6 MOS transistor with source degeneration at high frequencies
3.7 High-frequency behavior of differential amplifiers
3.7.1 The R-C loaded long tailed pair
3.7.2 The fully differential, current-mirror loaded amplifier
3.7.3 Frequency response of a single-ended output long tailed pair
3.7.4 On the input and output admittances of the long tailed pair
3.8 Gain enhancement techniques for high-frequency amplifiers
3.8.1 Additive approach: distributed amplifiers
3.8.2 Cascading strategies for basic gain stages
3.8.3 An example: the Cherry-Hooper amplifier

4 Frequency-selective RF circuits
4.1 Resonance circuits
4.1.1 The parallel resonance circuit The quality factor of a resonance circuit The quality factor from a different point of view The Q enhancement Bandwidth of a parallel resonance circuit Currents of L and C branches of a parallel resonance circuit
4.1.2 The series resonance circuit Component voltages in a series resonance circuit
4.2 Tuned amplifiers
4.2.1 The common-sot/rce tuned amplifier
4.2.2 Thi tuned cascode amplifier
4.3 Cascaded tuned stages and the staggered tuning
4.4 Amplifiers loaded with coupled resonance circuits
4.4.1 Magnetic coupling
4.4.2 Capacitive coupling
4.5 The gyrator: a valuable tool to realize high-value on-chip inductances
4.5.1 Parasitics of a non-ideal gyrator
4.5.2 Dynamic range of a gyrat0r-based inductor
4.6 The low-noise amplifier (LNA)
4.6.1 Input impedance matching
4.6.2 Basic circuits suitable for LNAs
4.6.3 Noise in amplifiers Thermal noise of a resistor Thermal noise of a MOS transistor
4.6.4 Noise in LNAs
4.6.5 The differential LNA

5 L-C oscillators
5.1 The negative resistance approach to L-C oscillators
5.2 The feedback approach to L-C oscillators
5.3 Frequency stability of L-C oscillators
5.3.1 Crystal oscillators
5.3.2 The phase-lock technique
5.3.3 Phase noise in oscillators

6 Analog-digital interface and system-level design considerations
6.1 General observations
6.2 Discrete-time sampling
6.3 Influence of sampling clock jitter
6.4 Quantization noise
6.5 Converter specifications
6.5.1 Static specifications
6.5.2 Frequency-domain dynamic specifications
6.6 Additional observations on noise in high-frequency ICs
Appendix A Mobility degradation due to the transversal field
Appendix B Characteristic curves and parameters of AMS 0.35 micron NMOS and PMOS transistors
Appendix C BSIM3-v3 parameters of AMS 0.35 micron NMOS and PMOS transistors
Appendix D Current sources and current mirrors
D.1 DC current sources
D.2 Frequency characteristics of basic current mirrors
D.2.1 Frequency characteristics for normal saturation
D.2.2 Frequency characteristics under velocity saturation
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