遗传学概要 电子书下载 PDF下载

  《遗传学概要(影印版)》适合生命科学相关专业教学选用,也可供从业人员参考使用。 ·查看全部>>
part one genes,chromosomes,andheredity
1 introduction to genetics 
2 mitosis and meiosis
3 mendelian genetics
4 extensions of mendelian genetics
5 chromosome mapping in eukaryotes
6 genetic analysis and mapping in bacteria andbacteriophages
7 sex determination and sex chromosomes
8 chromosome mutations: variation in chromosome number and arrangement
9 extranuclear inheritance

part two dna: structure replication, and variation
10 dna structure and analysis
11 dna replication and recombination
12 dna organization in chromosomes
13 recombinant dna technology and gene cloning

part three gene expression,regulationand development
14 the genetic code and transcription
15 translation and proteins
16 gene mutation and dna repair
17 regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
18 regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
19 developmental genetics of model organisms
20 cancer and regulation of the cell cycle

part four genomics
21 genomics, bioinformatics, and proteomics
22 genome dynamics: transposons, immunogenetics, and eukaryotic viruses
23 genomic analysis--dissection of gene function
24 applications and ethics of genetic engineering and biotechnology

part five genetics of organisms and population
25 quantitative genetics and multifactorial traits
26 genetics and behavior
27 population genetics
28 evolutionary genetics
29 conservation genetics
appendix a glossarya-1
appendix b answers to selected problem saappendix c selected reading sacreditscindex
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