外交,让世界走向和谐(英文版) 电子书下载 PDF下载

  "Why does the UN have no sovereignty? The UN is different from the EU in this respect. The member states do not have to transfer any part of their state sovereignty to this international organization. For this reason, the UN does not have any independent rights. Then where do its rights come from? From the member states. There are currently 192 member states, who arc the bosses of the UN. Among whom, the five permanent members in particular, are the big bosses. It is they, the member states, who determine which institution, including the Secretary General of the United Nations, can act and preside on an issueon behalf of the UN……"这是来自《外交,让世界走向和谐(英文版)》的节选部分,《外交,让世界走向和谐(英文版)》系陈健大使40多年外交生涯的缩影,从不同角度记录了他的外交经历及见闻,极具现实及理论意义。
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