Preface 1.Discourse semantics:A proposal for triple articulation 1.1 A context for discourse analysis 1.2 System and structure 1.3 The metafunctional organisation of meaning 1.4 Stratification 1.5 Discourse structure 1.6 Discourse systems 2.Negotiation:Shaping meaning through dialogue 2.1 Mood-baic resources for negotiation 2.2 Speech function and :adjacency pairs 2.3 Exchange structure 2.4 Extending constituency-exchanges,moves and acts 2.5 Replacing constituency-dependency models 2.6 Exchange dynamics:non adjacent paire 2.7 Consensus and debate 2.8 Analysis 2.9 Envoi 3.Identification:Reference as semantic choice 3.1 Learning to refer 3.2 Participant identification in English:system 3.3 Participant identification in English:system 3.4 Identfication and stratification 3.5 Participant identificationin English:structuere 3.6 Location and manner 3.7 Identiflcation and negotiation 4.Conjunction continuity:The logic of English text 4.1 The Limits of grammar 4.2 Conjunctive relations in English:general issues 4.3 External relations:system 4.4 Internal relations:system 4.5 Continuity 4.6 Conjunction in English:structure 4.7 Analysis of two texts 4.8 Constiturency dependency and conjunctive relations 4.9 Grammatical metaphor and conjunctive structure 4.10 Conjunction,identification and negotiation 5.Ideation:The company words keep 6.Texture:Interleaving discourse semantics,ieicogrammar and phonology 7.Context:Register,genre and ideology References Index