解析与预测:后危机时代的中国金融政策(平) 电子书下载 PDF下载


  《解析与预测:后危机时代的中国金融政策(平)》(Reading Between the Lines)是中美两位作者以十二五规划和中国的新领导层(新政府)为主要框架用两年时间对话酝酿而成,在外国人真正关心的中国财经政策议题上,进行全面阐述、预测和解释。
  China is at a crossroads, with change and reform needed to ensure its meteoric rise onto the global stage contains. Reading Between the Lines contains the most comprehensive review of current economic policy and a realistic outlook as to what reforms may come to pass. The authors analyze the unique historical conditions that have led China’s economy to where it is now, and how historical and cultural factors affect the decisions that are likely to be made in the future. This work sheds light on the        Chinese economy and explains why and how some quintessentially Chinese practices are used to solve problems, highlighting both the positive and negative effects of China’s distinctive economic model. Contained within these pages is everything you need to know to understand China’s economy and how policy is enacted and carried out.

  Chinese policies are not easy to get and follow. They are always mixed with unclear messages. Therefore, to make sure we end with the correct interpretation, the authors, one Chinese and one American, continually exchanged views in careful discussion for more than two years. The dialogue was not simply a question and answer or fact-seeking process, but rather, a consensus forming, and balancing-out process, creating new ideas and broadening perspectives.

  This book has two uses. First, it provides a comprehensive look at the background and history of economic policy and a review of what reforms are likely to be enacted in the medium term. The second is to act as a reference manual for all things related to China’s economy. Whether it is the structure of the government, the tasks of each agency or the particular leanings or influences of each person, the information can all be found in this book.

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