美国学生文学简史(英文原版) 电子书下载 PDF下载

  这本全英文版《美国学生文学简史》,由耶鲁大学英语文学教授Henry Beers为英美学生编写,是一部英美文学简史教程,分为上下两部分,包括英国文学史和美国文学史,共17篇章。对于准备出国留学或英语专业学习者来讲,英美文学史是一门必须了解和学习的课程。

  In so brief a history of so rich a literature, the problem is how to get room enough to give, not an adequate impression-that is impossiblebut any impression at all of the subject. To do this I have crowded out everything but belles-lettres. Books in philosophy, history, science, etc., however important in the history of English thought, receive the merest incidental mention, or even no mention at all. Again, I have omitted the literature of the Anglo-Saxon period, which is written in a language nearly as hard for a modern Englishman to read as German is, or Dutch. Caedmon and Cynewulf are no more a part of English literature than Vergil and Horace are of Italian. I have also left out the vernacular literature of the Scotch before the time of Burns. Up to the
  date of the union Scotland was a separate kingdom, and its literature had a development independent of the English, though parallel with it.
  In dividing the history into periods, I have followed, with some modifications, the divisions made by Mr. Stopford Brooke in his excellent little Primer of English Literature. A short reading course is appended to each chapter.
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