红外热成像技术及其岩土实验应用 电子书下载 PDF下载

The book starts, in Chapter 1, with an overview of the current status of geomechanical model tests and infrared detection, followed by an introduction to some theoretical aspects of infrared physics and algorithms used in the infrared image processing (Chapter 2). Geomechanical model construction is presented in Chapter 3.In Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, application of infrared thermography in the geomecharucal model tests on tunnel excavations and roadway stability assessments in differently inclined rock strato are presented respectively with a detailed description of the experimental methods, testing procedures, imaging processing algorithms and findings obtained from characterization of the thermal sequences.
  The intended readers may fall into three groups. The first group is the undergraduate science major students who may want to learn in depth about
  the topic of this book In this case, the publication can complement an advanced text book. The second may be the engineers who will find valuable
  information about the practical application of the TNDE technique.The last group includes the graduate students, Ph. D students and researchers who
  will find the systematic introduction of the principles, methods and algorithms for construction of the geomechanical models, performing the infrared detection, processing and characterization of the obtained thermal images.
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