油菜杂种优势利用新技术 化学杂交剂的利用 电子书下载 PDF下载

油菜杂种优势利用新技术 化学杂交剂的利用
Chemical hybridizing agent is a new technology system. Chemical hybridizing agentutilizing heterosis, relates to agriculture and chemistry subject areas. This book discussedtwo topics that revolves around the rape of chemical hybridizing agent and Heterosis ofBrassica napus using. A total of ten chapters, there are respectively introduced heterosisin oil rape, chemical hybridizing hybrids: advantages and applications, approaches toheterosis utilization in oil rape, chemical hybridizing agents for oil rape, cytological basisof chemical emasculation in oil rape, biochemical and molecular biological mechanismsof CHA action, breeding the elite inbred line of oil rape, principles of parent selection forhybrid rapeseed, technology for the production of CHA hybrid seeds of oil rape, majorCHA hybrid varieties of oil rape.
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