适应气候变化国家战略研究(英文版) [Studies on National Strategy of Climate Change Adaptation] 电子书下载 PDF下载

适应气候变化国家战略研究(英文版) [Studies on National Strategy of Climate Change Adaptation]
This book draws on domestic and international research progresses on the adaptation toclimate change,assesses the current situation and needs to adapt to climate change,coversthe strategies,principles and objectives of the adaptation,makes clear the problems that mayrise from key areas and different regions due to climate change,and identifies key tasks andaction plans and proposes the comprehensive national adaptation action plans and capacity-building measures. Therefore,the book can provide reference to national adaptation strategiesand plans,and also help promote China's research,technology development and applicationof adaptation technologies and strengthen the ability to adapt to and address climate changeissues.This book can be of use for the management of related industries and localdepartments,as well as the research and teaching staff in fields of meteorology,climate,agriculture , forestry , water resources , marine , energy , human health and other fields.
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